
Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal: Quinton X Female Reader. (prt 1)

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Literature Text

Today was going to be a busy day you thought, opening your eyes in the early morning sun. A second later your alarm clock sang as you hit the top, silencing it. Sighing and turning your eyes to the clock face you read the time to be 6:45 am. An early riser you had often called yourself, but you knew there were others who woke up at 5 am. A voice echoed form downstairs.
“Time to wake up honey!” Your mother’s voice called. Replying as you shifted from under the covers.
“Thanks mom!” Stretching you walked towards the window, standing in the distance stood Heartland Tower and all of it’s glory with the heart shining in the early morning sun.  This was always the sight you woke up to every morning. It was a constant reminder that you lived in a city.

Heartland tower you knew was the home of Dr Faker, Kite and Hart. Though this year Heartland would be the home of the WDC, or World Duel Carnival in which you would be competing like you had in the past, though you still couldn’t help it that you felt nervous. Turning back to your bed, you eyed your deck, for you knew that contained in it were six number cards. The only thing was that you didn’t know why you had collected them, or why you were still hunting them. Because you knew that deep down you had no-one to protect or to avenge. Yet something, or someone was telling you to continue collecting them. Sighing and shaking your head you cleared your mind, long hair falling into your face.  A shot shower would be nice so you could wake up more, and get your drowsy muscles to work. Turning on the handles you felt the hot water pounding on your body and messaging your muscles.

Boy did it feel nice. Sitting down for a little while, the water continued messaging your body, as you felt your mind slowly beginning to drift. It had been almost five years now since you last saw Christopher Arclight. He had been your childhood friend and duelling teacher. The last thing you remembered about him was well, him leaving and never looking back. It had been a miserable night with heavy rain pouring, from a stormy sky. You had come by Dr Faker’s home to visit Quinton and just to see how he was doing.  Only to hide behind a bush, cold rain pouring on you when he came out. He had been wearing a long dark blue jacket, and his silver hair was out of its trade mark plat. The expression on his face scared you, as you had rarely seen him so angry. A young boy with yellow and green spiked hair came running after him. The next thing that played out before you shocked you.

You had seen Kite grab Christopher’s arm only to be shoved into the ground. You gasped, which made Chris turn towards you. You ducked behind the bush, tears flowing from your eyes, and you heard Christopher walking off. You had never seen him so cruel, you had grown fond of his gentle and kind personality, but in that moment you didn’t know who he was anymore.  Your heart was torn in two places. One part wanted to comfort Kite, and the other wanted to chase after Chris to see if he was ok. You heard Kite crying, and wanted to comfort him, but you couldn’t.  Instead you turned away from both and ran off, hair flowing out behind you and tears pouring out of your eyes. Since then you had closed up, shutting people out of your life, even your own mother.

Since that day, the only people you opened up allowed in was your younger brother and sister. Around them you softened up the slightest, though you still kept to yourself. Standing up, trying to stop the tears from leaving your eyes, you turned off the shower and dried yourself, before dressing in your normal clothes.  Focusing on your hair you dried it, before studying your reflection. Your light fringe falling in your eyes.  How should you wear your hair today? You thought quietly. Tonight would be filled with the sound of clinking glasses, laughter, and fans calling out your name. But you wouldn’t be talking with other dullers, you’d just keep to yourself.  For tonight you had a party to attend, thanks to Mr Heartland. Only duellists competing in the world duel carnival were able to attend, some could bring friends if they wished.

Tonight would be the last night for time to spend with family, before the W.D.C started.  Shifting your fringe from your eyes, you let is sit slightly on the edge of your brow. A moment later you began braiding your hair in the style of how Christopher used to have it when he was younger, it hung long over your right shoulder before you tied it off. Studying yourself a moment longer, you smiled faintly. Thinking about Quinton only made you miss him that much more. Yes that day, it felt like you no longer knew who he was, but you knew he was there, just buried, beneath his cold exterior.  Not only had he been a friend and teacher, he had been your first love. Well, not exactly. You had developed feelings for him, despite trying to understand why he felt so familiar to you. When you and he worked together, he felt like a brother to you, he treated you like a sister.

Despite all that you had hid your feeling towards him easily, by focusing on the tasks at hand.  You had grown fond of his kindness and his gentle heart. You remembered his kind smile, and his trade mark braid. But you had never sucked up the courage to ask him how he felt towards you. Being around the Arclight’s you had felt at home with them. You remember the day Byron came to you, and congratulated you on what you had achieved. You also remember from that day, where quietly and away from his sons he had classed you as the daughter he never had.  Mostly though he saw you a skilled duellist, which was kind and clever like his son, Chris. Yes, you had many good memories with the Arclight family. Even your own. Looking back in the mirror you noticed a few silver tears had slipped from the corner of your eyes.

“What happened to you Byron? Chris?” You asked your reflection quietly.  Yes, you were very fond of the Arclight’s; always have been. Wiping away those few tears, you studied your reflection again. No, you thought, pulling on the ribbon tip, long hair spilled over your shoulder and down your back. No, you thought again. It reminded you too much of Quinton.  Returning back to your room, you grabbed your duel deck, put it into your pocket and headed downstairs for a spot of breakfast.
“Good Morning, _____________(name). Hope you slept well?” Your mother asked.
“Good Morning, Mom. Yes, I did. Thank you.” You replied as your mother made you your favourite breakfast.

The sound of young laughter made you turn, running in the kitchen were your two younger siblings Yume, who was ten and Hiro who was seven.  Both came towards you and gave you a massive hug each.
“Morning sis.” Your younger sister said. You gave them a small smiles.
“Good morning Yume, Hiro.” You replied. Only three years difference your siblings always seemed to act like each other, if they weren’t different ages, you would think they were twins.  Now days both of them went to school, and enjoyed every minute of it. As for you, it had been two years since you were last at school and almost every day after school finished you would visit the Arclights, learn and duel. You and Christopher were the same age, only a few months separating both of you. Almost on a daily basis, your father was always helping Byron, Kazuma and Dr Faker and he was good friends with two.

You dad, never fully trusted Faker even though he was still polite and kind towards him. As the years progressed your dad, did begin to trust Faker, and soon Faker ad cracked the code of a new portal somewhere.  Your father, did warn his friends, and when they insisted everything was alright, he accepted it. If you were honest you couldn’t really remember much of your dad. When Faker had figured out the time the next portal would open, all of them went on an adventure and you hadn’t heard anything since.
“____________(name), is everything alright?” Your mother’s voice said, slightly worried. This broke your trail of thought. Blinking you focused back to the room, your siblings had stopped playing and were silent. You smiled weakly.
“Yes, everything is fine.” You replied, turning back to your breakfast.

“Are you sure, sweetie?” Your mother asked.
“Yes, I’m positive. I guess I’m a little nervous about the W.D.C, tomorrow, and the party tonight.” You replied, mentally kicking yourself for lying. Well some of it was true.
“Ok darling.” Your mother said. This time it as your sister who spoke, voice brimming with confidence.
“Sis, you can do this!! I believe in you.”
“Me to! Me to!” Hiro put in. Despite closing everyone out, you gave a faint smile to your family.
“Thank you.” You replied.

“Hurry up and eat you two, or you’ll be late to school!” Your mother called, winking. Being twenty has its perks, you didn’t need to go to school anymore and you could enjoy living, or in your case duelling. Though your mother often insisted for you to walk your siblings to school, hoping that you would begin letting others back into your life. Easier said than done, most times. A little while later, you were walking your brother and sister to school, one on either side of you.  The sun felt warm against your skin, and a gentle breeze ruffled leaves, while blowing your hair out beside you slightly. Soon enough you heard a familiar voice behind you, making you turn around. Running towards you was a young teenage boy who had spiked red and black hair. He wore a sleeveless read hoodie and pants. Beside him was a silver being.

It had gold eyes and was embedded with green jewels. You recognised the spirit, it was Astral.  You felt yourself close up, and a cold look crossed your face.
“Hey, ______________!(name).” The boy said, cheerfully. You noticed Astral was watching you.
“Hello Yuma, Astral.” You said coldly.  A thud turned your attention towards Yuma Tsukumo, who was on the ground a shocked expression crossing his face.  A moment later he gained his composure and sprang up.
“You, you see Astral?” Yuma’s voice said.
“Yes, I can see him.” You replied.
“Since when?” Astral’s voice brought your attention to him. His gold eyes seemed slightly suspicious.
“Since a while ago, Astral. And before you ask Yuma, I don’t know how.” You replied.

A tug on your hands brought you back, your siblings smiled shyly.
“Sis, let’s go or we’ll be late for school.” Yume said.
“Of course, let’s go.” You replied, turning away, only to be stopped by Yuma.
“Yuma, I need to take my sibling to school. Shouldn’t you be going to school as well?” You asked, slightly irritated.
“I know ______________(name). But I’m just so pumped about tonight and the World Duel Carnival. And I can’t wait to duel you!” He said.
“I can’t wait either, Yuma.” You replied, voice still slightly cold.
“See you then!” he said, before taking off.

“Good grief.” You said softly.
“Sis, who was that person?” Hiro asked.
“That was Yuma Tsukumo. A contestant in the Duel Carnival.” You replied.
“Sis, will you beat him?” Yume asked, eyes innocent and wide.
“I will, I promise. Now let’s get you both to school.” You replied. Yes you knew Yuma, he was the youngest child of Kazuma Tsukumo. You had never duelled him and you only saw him as an acquaintance even though his father was best friends with your father. But as the carnival progressed later on tomorrow you’d see what happens. A few hours later, you had returned home.  Once you did your jobs, you went up to your room. Peace and quiet would help you.

Sitting cross-legged on your bed you scattered your deck out on the bed covers. Checking you made sure you had plenty of monsters that would help with your numbers, trap, magic and spell cards. Among them you eyed your numbers: Number 44 – Sky Pegasus, which you knew was a level four monster, Number 49 – Fortune Tune a winged beast that during stand by phases gave you an extra 500 life points, Number 83 - Galaxy Queen, your weaker number card, Number 87 – Queen of the night, perhaps your strongest number card in your deck, Number 94 – Crystalzone, your water attribute number and finally, Number 104 – Masquerade, another great card you had. Looking at your deck you noticed you had a lot of light cards, as well as some water cards and dark cards. Enough to be able to summon your numbers.

Eyeing them again, those thoughts came into your mind. Why had you been collecting these? What were they for? And what was their purpose? You felt confused again, that same feeling stirred inside. Like someone or something kept urging you to collect these. You didn’t have anyone to protect, while you continued to collect them, at least you think you didn’t. Frustrated you grabbed them and thought about throwing them out. Quickly you dismissed that thought.  Holding them in your hands you heard a strange laughter, like a child’s laugh and looked around, no-one was there. Opening your bedside draw, you held your hand over it. You tried opening your hand so they could drop in, they didn’t. A strange stirring began to rise, like anger. You tried to open your hand again, and failed. The cards stayed in your hand. It was strange, somehow you felt connected to these cards.  Frustrated you slammed the draw shut. Why couldn’t you let them go? What purpose did they have to you? Why did you feel connected to them? And who was teasing you, urging you to continue hunting numbers?

Sighing, you let the cards fall onto your bed. Grabbing them all you shuffled them, before placing your deck on your bedside table. Now what? You thought darkly.  Suddenly you felt tired, there were still a good few hours before you needed to pick up your siblings. A rest might help, you thought.  Resting your head back on your pillow you tried to fall asleep, but try as you might no sleep came.  You mind kept thinking back to the Arclights, your father and Faker. Your dad knew Faker had hungered for power, though you could never understand why. What you did remember about your father was that he was a mix of Bryon and Kazuma. He was like Byron, because he loved science, and enjoyed learning new things and he was like Kazuma, because he enjoyed adventures. Which was probably the reason why they were such good friends. The day they left it had been early and you were the only one up. Your father had promised to return safely, and then he left. That was the last time you had seen him, a few years after Chris began to change, and soon he distanced himself from you.

Again memories of that rainy night flashed before your eyes, Quinton shoving Kite onto the pavement, Quinton’s expression cold as he looked at you, the way he just walked off, Kite crying and you running away dis-heartened at the way Christopher had changed from that beautifully kind boy, you had cared so much for. It was too much. You hit your pillow, trying to stop the tears falling from your eyes. Byron, Kazuma, your father all disappearing without a trace. And number cards. All of it felt like a burden, but you couldn’t help but feel that something was missing, like you were forgetting something important, a memory, a story, Something. Frustrated and crying you sat up and wiped the tears away from your eyes angrily, you put on your hard exterior once more. Whether or not you were forgetting something important from your life, you needed to collect more numbers. But you couldn’t worry about why, in a few hours you had to pick up your siblings.

Before preparing for Mr Heartland’s party before the WDC took place tomorrow. After a little while you finally found some peace and rested for a while, eyes closing.
Hey everyone!! Hatsune Miku-17 (Waving) Hatsune Miku-17 (Waving) 

Sorry its been forever since i uploaded anything. Waaaah! Waaaah! Sweating a little... Sweating a little... 

This is one story of Quinton x Female reader, I wrote it out a week ago and it's long, so i'll split it up into two parts. This will be just before it goes into World Duel Carnival dullers X Reader where the read will get to duel. IV IV 

So for that i will need to research more about Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal. I only know a little bit about this series, 
as i grew up with Yu-Gi-Oh! (the original) which i have more knowledge about, but let me know what you think Hi I am Yami Yugi Your Nightmare Hi I am Yami Yugi Your Nightmare 
and i will upload more later. Pixel [04] - ZeXal Pixel [04] - ZeXal 

After this i will upload my fan-fic of Yu-Gi-Oh! Oiginal so yeah.:iconyamileathershoesplz: :iconyamileathershoesplz: 
Let me know what you think!! Hatsune Miku-02 (Winks) Hatsune Miku-02 (Winks) 

This is for any Christopher Arclight fans. 

Heart - Free Heart - Free Heart - Free FREE flying hearts Icon FREE flying hearts Icon FREE flying hearts Icon Heart - Free Heart - Free Heart - Free 
Kkkkkkkkkyyyyyyyyaaaa!!!!!!!!Fangirl... Fangirl... Fangirl... Fangirl... Fangirl... 
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